Audit Services
Audit Services

Looking for a reliable audit solution for your training organisation?
CAQA offers a comprehensive range of auditing services designed to help ensure your organisation remains compliant.
Our team of experienced auditors will find any gaps or problems and provide solutions. They will also share their knowledge and experience with you so that going forward you understand what needs to be done. They understand the current regulations and legislation and have the necessary experience to ensure quality services.
No matter what the size of your organisation or project, you can rest assured that our team of professionals will provide you with a great services.
We offer a variety of services, such as compliance audits, policy reviews, risk management reviews, and more. Our services are designed to ensure that your training and education organisation is compliant with all regulations and legislation.
If you’re looking for a reliable audit solution for your training and education provider, then look no further than CAQA. Our team of experienced auditors are ready and waiting to help you ensure the quality of your services.
Tailored Audit Solutions: One Size Does Not Fit All.
We understand that every organisation is different and has different needs. That is why we offer a range of different auditing services.
Choose What You Need or Let Us Customise it for your Organisation.
We are dedicated to providing auditing services to organisations of all sizes. Underneath are some of our auditing services:

Financial audit
A financial audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the financial statements and other financial information of the training organisation. This is to ensure accuracy and compliance with accounting principles, laws and regulations, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system. The financial audit would also assess your organisation against the financial viability requirements as set by the regulatory body.

Performance audit
The performance audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s performance with respect to its goals and objectives. This audit will also examine the effectiveness of the organisation’s performance management system and the quality of the training programs and services provided.

Training needs assessment audit
The training needs assessment audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s training needs assessment process to evaluate its effectiveness. This audit will also assess the organisation’s ability to provide appropriate training to meet the needs of its employees.

Compliance audit
The compliance audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. This audit will also assess the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Quality management system audit
The quality management system audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s quality management system to evaluate its effectiveness. This audit will also assess the organisation’s ability to provide appropriate training to meet the needs of its employees.

Full internal audit
The full internal audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s entire internal control system, including the internal control system policies, processes, and procedures. This audit will evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Curriculum audit
The curriculum audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s curriculum to assess its effectiveness. This audit will also evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Process improvement audit
The process improvement audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s processes and procedures and assess the effectiveness of the organisation’s process improvement initiatives. This audit will also evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Facility audit
The facility audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s facilities to assess its effectiveness. This audit will also evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Training budget audit
The training budget audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s training budget to evaluate its effectiveness. This audit will also assess the organisation’s ability to provide appropriate training to meet the needs of its employees.

Learning materials audit
The learning materials audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s learning materials to assess its effectiveness. This audit will also evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Student assessment audit
The student assessment audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s student assessment process to evaluate its effectiveness. This audit will also assess the organisation’s ability to provide appropriate training to meet the needs of its employees.

Training program audit
The training program audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s training program to assess its effectiveness. This audit will also evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Training process design audit
The training process design audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s training process design to assess its effectiveness. This audit will also evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Trainer performance audit
The trainer performance audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s trainer performance to assess its effectiveness. This audit will also evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal control system and its ability to fulfil its obligations.

Training resource allocation audit
The training resource allocation audit conducted by the CAQA Auditors will review the organisation’s training resource allocation to evaluate its effectiveness. This audit will also assess the organisation’s ability to provide appropriate training to meet the needs of its employees.

The trainer recruitment and selection audit is designed to ensure thatthe recruitment process is conducted in a fair and transparent manner.Our auditors will review the recruitment process and determine if thebest candidate has been selected for the role.

The trainer training and development audit verifies that theorganisation is providing adequate training and development to itstrainers. This audit will ensure that the training provided is up to thestandards set by CAQA, and that the trainers are competent in theareas they are teaching.

The eLearning audit assesses whether the organisation's onlinelearning platform is up to the standards set by CAQA. This audit willensure that the platform is secure, user-friendly and offers aneffective learning experience for the learner.

The technology-based learning environment audit assesses theeffectiveness of the organisation's technology-based learningenvironment. This includes assessing the equipment and facilitiesthat support the delivery of technology-based learning.

The mLearning audit evaluates the effectiveness of mobile technologyin delivering learning experiences. This audit will assess the usability,security and effectiveness of mobile learning solutions.

The facilities and equipment audit assesses the appropriateness andeffectiveness of the organisation's training facilities and equipment. Thisaudit will ensure that the facilities and equipment are up to thestandards set by CAQA.

The learner satisfaction survey assesses the level of satisfaction that learnershave with the training organisation. This survey will provide valuablefeedback on the quality of the training and learning experience provided.

The social media monitoring audit assesses the organisation's use ofsocial media for marketing and communications purposes. This audit willhelp to ensure that the organisation is using social media in a responsiblemanner and that the content is appropriate for the learners.

The disability access audit assesses theorganisation's ability to provide access totraining and learning experiences forlearners with disabilities. This audit willidentify any barriers to access and makerecommendations on how to improveaccessibility.

The Work Health and Safety audit assesses the organisation's safetypolicies and procedures. This audit will ensure that the trainingorganisation is compliant with the relevant legislation.

The environmental impact assessment assesses the organisation'senvironmental impact in terms of the use of materials and energy. Thisaudit will identify any areas where the organisation can reduce itsenvironmental footprint.

The supplier evaluation for training provision audit assesses theorganisation's suppliers and the quality of the training they provide. Thisaudit will ensure that the organisation is getting high quality trainingfrom its suppliers.
In addition to our auditing services, we are also an information provider and provide assistance with training, education, and legislative updates. Our experts make sure that you are always up-to-date on the most current information in the industry.
We understand that the standards for training and education provider services can vary from region to region. That’s why we work with you to ensure that your organisation or your training provider meets the necessary standards for quality services. At CAQA, we are committed to helping organisations deliver high quality training and learning experiences to their learners. Our audit services provide organisations with the assurance that they are meeting the standards set by the governing body. If you are looking to ensure that your training organisation is meeting the standards set by CAQA, then contact us today to discuss how we can help.