Internal audit services and health check

Source (‘The regularity Journey so far and VET regulatory reform’ presentation) : https://www.asqa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net2166/f/The_regulatory_journey_so_far_Nov_2014.pdf
Internal Audit Services and Health Check
We are experts in RTO audits. We have highly trained and experienced compliance consultants who have worked in the VET sector for more than 20+ years.
A VET health check is crucial in ensuring quality RTO systems and procedures are in place and is ready for an audit for registration, re-registration, continuous improvement or internal annual audit purposes. Every RTO must comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015:
- Responsive to industry and learner needs
- Quality assurance
- Secure and accurate certification
- Accessible information about services
- Informed and protected learners
- Fair complaints handling
- Effective governance and administration
- Legal compliance
What we will provide/do for you
We have experience in auditing for different regularity standards and bodies including:
- Standards for RTOs 2015
- AQTF and VRQA Guidelines (VRQA registered RTOs)
- The VET Quality Framework (ASQA registered RTOs)
- The ESOS Act and the National Code (CRICOS)
- VET FEE-HELP (Higher Education Support Act).
- Skills First contract (Victorian providers) and other state funded contract
- ISO 9001:2015 – world’s leading Management System Standard
- English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)
- NEAS (accreditation and quality assurance services in English language teaching)
- Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)
- VET Students Loan
We will:
- Meet with you to discuss your specific requirements and needs
- Scope what you need to do and recommend a path forward
- Provide qualified auditors to advise on compliance issues
- Work with you to ensure your systems, processes, materials and practices are resilient enough to withstand the test of an audit
- Advise you of all the issues we find as a result of our aud
- Advise you in writing and implementing your quality policies and procedures
- Develop a plan to address all your non-compliant issues with a suitable timetab
- Provide a report for you detailing the above.