Business Analysis

The Vocational Education and Training sector is a highly competitive marketplace. Recently we have seen some very aggressive entities move into the sector and make it increasingly difficult for the smaller Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These companies concentrate on workplace or online delivery and thus keeping their their infrastructure cost at a minimum while applying significant resources in marketing and sales to keep the enrolments coming in. In addition, the TAFE and University RTOs are under pressure to compete with the private RTOs and to justify their massive infrastructure costs.
In the recent past, private RTOs were solely focussed on pushing through enrolments and course completions while the public system (TAFEs and Universities) was focussed on providing on quality first and offering programs that are commercially (and industry) acceptable.
With recent government interventions with changes in funding, regulatory framework and increased ASQA powers, the VET landscape has become more student and learning outcome focussed than ever before.
Given the changed landscape, what do you see for your RTO?
Some questions you may ask yourself could include…
were private providers out of total 4,279 RTOs, in 2016.
out of 4.2 million students were enrolled in private RTOs
(the remainder) were enrolled with the public sector such as TAFEs and Universities.
Competition among the private sector is very challenging and only those with quality assurance practices will survive. in addition to this, ASQA is very vigilant in establish whether an RTO is financially viable and the expected enrolment numbers if you are registering a new RTO. You will need in-depth market research in your specific niche and sound business and financial planning.
Why you need us for your research and development
Reading the above, did you get the impression that ‘you need to do your homework’?
Business analysis is the cornerstone of your RTO’s success, your business and financial plan will be assessed against the Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements by an ASQA approved financial auditor. Your business analysis efforts will only strengthen and sustain your RTO.
Our expert consultants have experience in researching and analysing the VET sector and the private RTO landscape, specifically – demand for courses, education and training, funding analysis, educational systems, regulatory framework, RTO governance, education market and demand analysis, education policy and program evaluation and resource modelling.
What we will provide/do for you
We can: