RTO Rectification Services

‘Of the audited providers that completed a rectification process in 2016–17, 46.6 per cent were found to remain non-compliant with the required standards afterward. This is an increase compared to 2015–16, when only 29.1% of audited providers remained non-compliant afterward.
The ‘after rectification’ figure is a more meaningful indicator for ASQA than the level of non-compliance at the time of audit, as it points to a more sustained inability to meet the standards. This increase in the amount of non-compliance found at audit indicates that
Source : https://www.asqa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net3521/f/asqa_annual_report_2016-17.pdf
Why you need us for your RTO rectification
What happens if non-compliance are found at an audit?
If ASQA identifies non-compliance, you will begiven 20 working days to provide evidence that you have rectified that non-compliance.
ASQA will then consider this evidence. If you remain non-compliant with required standards, ASQA will make a decision about what actions to take next. In making this decision, ASQA will consider your history of compliance and the risks associated with the non-compliance.
Actions might include:
- applying a sanction or condition to your registration, and / or
- rejecting your application
The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 provides a range of increasing severity-escalating from enforceable undertakings and additional conditions on registration through to suspending or cancellingthe registration of an RTO.
Source: https://www.asqa.gov.au/faqs/what-happens-if-non-compliances-are-found-audit
ASQA sets clear expectations for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and course owners to take responsibility for the quality of their qualifications and services through legislation, standards and other requirements. It expects that all RTOs will meet the legislative requirements, the standards nd other guidelines. Accordingly, RTO’s should make sure that their quality processes do not inadvertently fail to meet the standards. In most cases, it is the interpretation of the Standards that cause confusion resulting in non-compliance. If an audit is held and ASQA identifies instances of non-compliance, and these are not rectified within a stated period of 20 days, the RTO may attract a sanction or penalty.
What we will provide/do for you
If you have been caught out at audit and need professional advice or assistance to address your rectifications, get in touch with us and we will swing our professional rectification consultants in to action immediately! We will ensure your organisation addresses all requirements within the rectification timeframe.