A draft model for self-assurance for training organisations

A draft model for self-assurance for training organisations

A draft model for self-assurance for training organisations

ASQA has developed a draft model for self-assurance for training organisations. The purpose of this model is to provide a framework within which training organisations can develop and operate their own quality assurance systems.

The model sets out the key elements of an effective quality assurance system and includes guidance on how these elements can be implemented.

The model is designed to be flexible and allow training organisations to tailor their quality assurance systems to meet their individual needs and circumstances. ASQA will continue to consult with the sector on the development of this model, and welcomes feedback from training organisations and other stakeholders.

Principles for the model

  • flexible to be appropriate for all providers regardless of size, type, operating context and self-assurance maturity
  • aligned with RTO standards and supporting other requirements including State/Territory where possible
  • focused on continuous improvement rather than merely compliance
  • simple and easy to understand for providers
  • encouraging and supporting providers to fully integrate self-assurance into their business (‘organic’ to operations)
  • reinforced and validated by other regulatory activities including ASQA’s performance assessments and risk analysis
  • valuable to providers and linked to a reduction in regulatory burden
  • backed by effective support, guidance and education by ASQA

A model should avoid:

  • being overly prescriptive
  • encouraging providers to just ‘tick the box’ / achieve the minimum requirements
  • causing self-assurance to become an additional business process for providers
  • duplicating existing requirements of providers

During Phase 3, ASQA will:

  • develop and refine the level of detail for the overall model and each element, including an overall explanation about its purpose
  • explore guidance and information requirements by model element/sub-element
  • identify providers’ expectations about and capacity to provide evidence of self-assurance by model element
  • identify expectations about ASQA’s and others’ role in the provision of education
  • identify additional tools or resources required, based on further model development.

You can provide feedback in a number of ways:

  • have your say on the Phase 3 model (survey open until 8 June 2022)
  • email the project team at StrategicReviews@asqa.gov.au
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